Great Works: Opening Prayer > 뉴스

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Great Works: Opening Prayer2019-03-12



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The Great Works began at 6:30 a.m. on February 9 with an opening prayer at the Jeongshim Won prayer hall. Members from all over the world had been visiting the HyoJeong CheonWon Holy Ground since the previous day and welcomed the start of the Great Works with great enthusiasm. Vice President Myong-kwan Lee, the MC for the opening prayer, revealed that the members of True Parents’ family who are spearheading the work in the spirit world have been elevated to a new status. He asked the participants to keep an attitude of sincerity as they offered prayers of gratitude and resolutions for a new start, so that they could receive the grace of angels and the strong support of heavenly works by absolute good spirits. After the Opening Remarks, a hoondok session was then led by Rev. Gi-Seong Lee (President of FFWPU for a Heavenly Korea and the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center), who read the following excerpt from True Mother’s New Year 2019 Speech.  
“God is an omnipotent and omniscient being. His beginning and end are the same. So, God must absolutely be victorious. However, giving humans special privileges became problematic, so God waited for 6,000 years for the True Parents to arise from fallen humanity to make a victorious return to God. During that period of waiting, God blessed this peninsula, the Republic of Korea. In that case, shouldn’t the citizens of the Republic of Korea receive True Parents’ blessing? You have to fulfill your responsibilities. With blessings come responsibilities. If you are not able to fulfill those responsibilities, the indemnity owed will increase. One year is all the time we have left. Do you understand? In this year of the Pig, we must achieve national restoration without fail! Please push for the citizens of the Republic of Korea to qualify as citizens of Cheon Il Guk.”
President Gi-seong Lee expressed his gratitude to Heavenly Parent for presiding over all of the spirit world and the earthly world, with the hope that all the participants would experience the heavenly works of blessing, miracle, and grace during the Great Works through the heavenly works of the substantial Holy Spirit. He offered the opening prayer to Heaven with his resolution to fulfill the heavenly tribal messiah mission in order to restore the substantial Cheon Il Guk.
Here is a testimony from our sister T.W., who was deeply moved during the Opening Prayer.

* The testimony of Great Works: Opening Prayer: A dream which implied that the status of the spirit world changed


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