Great Works: Victory Celebration of Dedication Ceremony for Cheon Bo Won > 뉴스

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Great Works: Victory Celebration of Dedication Ceremony for Cheon Bo Won2018-09-20


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Rebirth Renewal and a New Start
On August 28, 2018 on the occasion of the Sixth Anniversary of True Father’s Holy Ascension at the Hyojeong Cheonwon located at Cheonshim Lake in Gapyeong, South Korea, True Mother held a victory celebration immediately following the Cheon Bo Won Genealogy Center Dedication.
During her address, she initiated an unexpected three-day workshop for all leaders. The workshop consists of prayers, repentance, and sincere devotion as a foundation to unite with True Mother. She spoke about the need to break down self-centeredness.
“You must let go of all self-centered elements, become one again with True Mother and properly invest yourselves in the workshop, thinking of how you should act and what you should do to realize national restoration victoriously by 2020 and the restoration of the world.”
 The Cheon Bo Won will serve as a hall to preserve and display the genealogical records of blessed families. Out of love for all God’s children, True Parents want the names of all blessed families to be engraved there as good ancestors on earth and in heaven for millennia!
The Cheon Bo Won Hall will exhibit the blessed families’ hyojeong (a filial heart for Heaven). Entering this hall, you will be led through the history of God’s Creation, the Fall, and God’s Providence of Restoration. The roof resembles a shrine in its wing-like shape, and the overall Cheon Bo Won is solidly built of heavy granite. This building comprises seven floors, three underground and four aboveground.
The half century of Cheongpyeong’s history will also be visible at one glance. In 1970, True Parents made several devotional offerings to establish the model of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in the area of Cheongpyeong. The Cheon Bo Won is a part of the larger Cheongpyeong providence. It will be a repository of faith and a hall of fame for blessed families all over the world. The Cheon Bo Won Hall displays the path of True Mother, the substantial Holy Spirit, who also stands at the center of the Hyojeong Cheonwon providence. The hall will exhibit the era of the substantial Holy Spirit’s great works, beginning with True Mother’s birth as God’s only begotten daughter. Artistic statues displaying the three generations of only daughters in True Mother’s family, stained-glassed windows, life-sized and miniature models and graphic panels will portray the manifestation of True Parents beginning with True Mother’s journey southward to meet God’s begotten son, True Father, until the time of the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. The life of True Mother’s mother, Soon-ae Hong (known by her title Dae-mo nim), a model of devotion and sacrifice, and of living a life of attendance until her ascension, will be made viewable.
Visitors will be able to view the history of the providence since the proclamation of Foundation Day as well as images of the future expansion of Hyojeong Cheonwon through models and virtual reality. In this boundless space, they will be able to receive the grace of inheriting True Parents’ Hyojeong traditions! This space will provide new hope by connecting true families of the past, present and future.
All blessed families’ records of faith will be visible at one glance in the Cheon Bo Won. Like True Parents’ life stories, records of blessed families’ accomplishments in bringing Cheon Il Guk to fruition will be readily available. Here, using an information retrieval system, every family will be able to verify all of their records in the database, including their heavenly tribal messiah activities. Multimedia panels and a cutting-edge display will preserve intact the record of their life and accomplishments into the future. The Hall of Fame will present the records of families who have given the Marriage Blessing to 430 generations of their ancestors and to 430 couples on earth. True Parents’ wish is for all blessed families to feel that this is their Cheon Bo Won (heavenly genealogy center).

True Parents have lived their lives intent on regaining God’s country, people and sovereignty. Until they were able to proclaim the era of Cheon Il Guk, they followed a thorny path of Hyojeong for Heaven. Together with our Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and the truth of the Divine Principle, the heavenly tribal messiah providence advances. There are so many families dedicating themselves to becoming heavenly tribal messiahs to fulfill True Parents’ last wish and spread True Parents’ traditions. To them, True Mother says:

“You are heavenly tribal messiahs! You must become tribal messiahs who manifest shin-tribal messiahs who attend God. We are building the Cheon Bo Won Genealogy Center so that your devotion and hard work can be recorded on earth and in Heaven! I pray that all of you here today can become filial children and loyal patriots who can enter into this Hall of Records.”

- True Mother, Special New Year’s Gathering for Cheon Il Guk Leaders, January 5, 2018, Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, South Korea. (Provided by FFWPU for a Heavenly USA) 

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