Great Works:Celebration of True Parents’ Birthday and the Hyojeong Cultural Festival > 뉴스

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Great Works:Celebration of True Parents’ Birthday and the Hyojeong Cultural Festival2018-04-12



On the second day of the Great Works (February 21), a Celebration for True Parents’ Birthday was held from 9:30 am with True Parents. International President Sun Jin Moon and Chairperson of the Hyojeong World Peace Foundation Yeon-ah Moon were there as well. Also 200 lawmakers from around the world attended. The attendees included the former president of Paraguay Federico Franco Gomez; former prime minister of Togo Agbéyomé Kodjo; Chairman of Burundi Congress Reverien Ndikuriyo; Chairman of Madagascar Congress Jean Max Rakotomamonjy; Chairman of Fiji Congress Jiko Fatafehi Luveni; Chairman of Saint Lucia Congress Andy Glenn Daniel; former U.S. House of Representatives Dan Burton; and former Chairman of the Philippine House of Representatives Jose De Venecia. Two hundred religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and a total of 30,000 FFWPU members from 90 countries also attended this event in beautiful harmony at the CheongShim Peace World Center.


At the congratulatory address, International President Sun Jin Moon said, “The life of True Parents that I saw was a public life for realizing the ideal world of peace in One Family under God.” She also delivered this message: “We planted seeds of peace everywhere to change the world that suffers from conflicts and chaos, into a peaceful world.”

Eight representative religious leaders from the Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, Suni Muslim traditions and President of the Family Federation for a Heavenly Korea Gi-seong Lee offered their benediction prayers for the harmony of humankind.

The ceremony was held in the following order: religious representatives’ prayers, welcoming remarks by International President Sun Jin Moon, offering of flowers, cake cutting, offering of gifts after the entrance of True Parents, a celebratory poetry reading, and a united choir’s celebration song. Part two was a cultural performance in which the musical, Hyojeong’s Dream II was held, and later, cheers of Eog Mansei by International Vice President Ki-hoon Kim. Part three was the Hyojeong Yeon Sharing Festival; it started with a circus performance by the group, Ongarls, and then performances by Yeon-ja kim, Sun-I In, and vocalist Paul Potts. Lastly, Universal Ballet made an outstanding performance of Sleeping Beauty.

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